My goal for this site is to make it a comprehensive resource focusing on the topic of gun holsters. Whether you’re an experienced gun owner or just starting out, I hope you’ll find some useful or helpful holster content. Check out the in-depth articles, comparisons, and insights covering various holster styles, materials, and functionalities.

Although the site is a work in progress, I plan to create a page about each handgun brand and model and holster options to fit that specific handgun.

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  • Which is the Better Gun Holster Cant: Forward Cant vs Straight Cant?

    Which is the Better Gun Holster Cant: Forward Cant vs Straight Cant?

    Anyone who has purchased a gun holster in recent years or is thinking of buying one will or has most likely faced this dilemma. Do I want a canted holster or one that rides straight up and down? To further complicate matters, holster makers are now offering holsters in cant variations that even make it…

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  • IWB Holsters May Not Be For Everyone

    IWB Holsters May Not Be For Everyone

    As you shop for a gun holster, you will undoubtedly come across advertisements in gun magazines and videos on the internet advertising some type of IWB holster as the “ultimate” in concealment or concealed carry. Unfortunately, while the IWB holster in question may be a very effective way to carry a concealed handgun, it may…

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