Glock Handguns

Glock handguns have become one of the most popular and widely used firearms in the world, particularly among law enforcement agencies and military forces. The company was founded in 1963 by Gaston Glock, an Austrian engineer and businessman, who initially manufactured curtain rods and other consumer goods.

In the early 1980s, Glock revolutionized the firearms industry by introducing the Glock 17, a polymer-framed, striker-fired semi-automatic pistol designed to meet the stringent requirements of the Austrian military.

The Glock 17 featured a high-capacity magazine, lightweight construction, consistent trigger pull, and a unique Safe Action system with three internal safeties, ensuring reliable performance and protection against accidental discharge.

After passing rigorous tests, the Glock 17 was adopted by the Austrian military in 1983 and soon gained popularity worldwide, becoming the preferred sidearm for numerous law enforcement agencies and armed forces.

Since then, Glock has continued to introduce handgun models in various sizes and calibers following the Glock 17 design and controls. Glock is known for creating a series of pistol models built on a specific frame size, but offered in multiple calibers.

For example, the ever popular Glock 19 pistol is part of Glock’s “Compact” series which also includes the Glock 23, chambered in .40 caliber, and the Glock 32, chambered in .357 Sig. All three of those models are close enough in size to all fit into the same gun holster.

Glock’s innovative design, simplicity, and reliability propelled the company to become one of the leading firearms manufacturers, with over 65% of federal, state, and local agencies in the United States issuing Glock pistols.

Given the overall popularity of the Glock line of handguns, nearly every holster maker in the world offers holsters to fit most Glock pistols.

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